Laser-Cut Box Loom

Typically a back-strap loom user, Matthijs Witsenburg's wife found it impractical to use whilst also having to chase after their kids; so she asked him to design and laser-cut her a box loom instead.

Matthijs Witsenburg's laser-cut box loom

Based on the Norwegian box loom, it was laser-cut out of plywood. The cloth and warp beams are held in place with slots rather than holes, allowing you to easily switch out projects as you please. The looms are also designed to be stackable, if you choose to make multiple.

Matthijs Witsenburg's laser-cut box loom

Matthijs also laser-cut a heddle out of Delrin, which leaves very smooth edges that won't fray the warp. You can read more about the project on Make:, and you can find the files to laser-cut your own on