Utilising the Android Things platform, the Expression Flower has been designed to react to the facial expressions of people interacting with it - if you smile, it smiles right back.
Constructed from a mixture of 3d printed and laser cut parts, along with a selection of off the shelf components, the Expression Flower is a beautiful example of what Android Things has to offer. Fibreoptic cable acts as the spine of laser cut petals (made of light diffuser film roll), acting as a spring to counteract the servo's pulling force. These are slotted into a 3D printed base along with the camera and LED strip.
The software runs on a Raspberry Pi 3B mounted in the flower pot base. Once everything is connected and running, this makes a very beautiful interactive piece. Head over to hackster.io to read about the full project, where you can find the very thorough build instructions should you wish to make your very own Expression Flower.